Role and assessment of CAPEX in energy regulation training
Economic regulation is needed in areas where no functional competition is possible.
This virtual classroom training course explores the principles and practical use of financial and investment analysis in the energy industry. In addition, it describes the role and application of asset valuation concepts and methods to estimate cost of capital.
Economic regulation is needed in areas where no functional competition is possible. For example, electricity networks constitute a natural monopoly and requires regulation to limit monopoly pricing and to set incentives for efficient performance.
Other activities like generation and supply, which are not natural monopolies, can become de-facto monopolies due to various limitations, and also require regulation. For example, the provision of such services is potentially contestable given the presence of multiple providers in the specific relevant market. However, the competitive provision of such services in response to market demand may be limited due to specific legal requirements, limited market size, limited number of companies or existence of operational constraints.
This training course explores the principles underlying economic regulation including the regulatory fundamentals, price and quality regulation methods, as well as the routines to set revenue and tariff for regulated services. In addition, it describes the role of efficiency analysis and its application in regulation.
Learning Goals
- Understand the principles of financial analysis from the perspective of the investor and the relevant financial performance indicators and from the perspective of the regulator and the regulatory determinants like the regulatory asset base and cost of capital.
- Understand the fundamentals of financial accounting and obtain substantial knowledge on financial and investment analysis.
- Become familiar with the technical details used n the asset valuation, cost of capital and financial modelling.
The conceptual part of the training will be supported by comprehensive practical exercises throughout the course.
- None
Learning Method
- Insightful presentations
- Review of real world case studies
- Practical execrises
Course Content
This training course covers six focus areas which touch upon topics related to these aspects. The modules build up on each other and guide participants step-by-step through the content:
- Financial accounting
- Financial analysis
- Financial modelling
- Asset valuation
- Investment analysis
- Cost of Capital
Each module is accompanied by examples and practical exercises.
Financial accountingFinancial analysisFinancial modellingAsset valuationInvestment analysisCost of Capital
- Location
Virtual classroom Training
Upcoming dates
Further dates upon request
Role and assessment of CAPEX in energy regulation training
Day 1:
4 hours (including break): 9am – 13:00 CET
- Financial and Regulatory Accounting Fundamentals
- Financial Modelling and Financial Analysis: Role of key performance indicators (KPIs)
Day 2:
4 hours (including break): 9am – 13:00 CET
- Cost of Capital
- Excel Exercise
Day 3:
4 hours (including break): 9am – 13:00 CET
- Investment Appraisals:
- Methods, approaches and interpretations of results (Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Payback Period, CB Ratio)
- Excel exercise presenting the different investment appraisal techniques
Price per person (on-line training)
1.700 € per person (before 01.01.2025) for 17.02.2025 Training 1.950€ per person (after 01.01.2025)
1.700 € per person (before 01.04.2025) for 05.05.2025 Training 1.950€ per person (after 01.04.2025)
To book this course, please click on „Buchen“ and fill in your personal details. If you have further questions on the booking of the course or its content, please contact us at
Target Audience
- Everyone involved in regulated electricity industry
- Employees of regulated companies,
- Representatives of industry associations,
- Staff of regulatory authorities,
- Officials from policy making institutions
- Staff with no prior regulatory or tariff setting experience